Thursday, November 18, 2010

Time for Some B*tch-Slapping

Wow. It's been too long since I wrote anything here.

In the wake of the recent election I've thinking a little too much about the weirding of America.

What are people thinking? Or perhaps -- are they thinking at all?

Prime example: the economy was in free fall so they elect a guy who promises change. He spends two years doing everything he can to bring America out of the free fall, while also making small steps toward bringing them out of the dark ages of healthcare. So what do the people do? Why they shackle him with a congress that will make it virtually impossible to do anything for the next two years! If that's not mindless knee-jerk reactionism I don't know what is.

The problem seems to reach deep into the American psychi, ripping apart that area of the collective thought process that should naturally be able to see truth and supplanting it with lies that are told with no other goal than to consolidate power and destroy "The Enemy". Even when the enemy is our own best interest.

I think a lot of the blame rests squarely with the media. Specifically the consolidation of the media into smaller (yet larger and more powerful) blocks owned by people with political agendas. No one within the mainstream media seems to be able to deliver the news in an unbiased way. In journalism school they taught us that you report all sides of the story and eventually the truth will be out. Just doesn't happen. Even the public tv and radio shows seem to have opted out of the business, deciding to play along with the rest.

The only ones who don't fear saying whatever they want are the last ones you want to hear from. Crazy right-wing conservatives who scream nonsense and perpetuate lies and conspiracy therories. And unfortunately a majority of Americans seem to like what they say.

I even know some otherwise smart people who believe strange things like 911 was an inside job. Please: there is just no way to cover up something that big. Hell, Nixon couldn't keep his nastiness secret during a time when it should have been easy. The truth is people can't keep secrets. They are compelled to tell someone.

Frankly, someone needs to grab America and start bitch-slapping some sense into it.

Before it's just too late.

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